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Become an Official Club Member

Our annual membership is just £15 for an individual (16+), £20 for couples from the same household and £5 for juniors (7-16yrs). By joining you are helping to cover the club insurance and contributing to running costs of our Club Events. Visit the Entry Central website to become a Club Member today! 

Club Merchandise

Fly the flag for Canicross Aberdeenshire. Get your club merchandise here:


We all began our canicross journey for different reasons. If you would like to tell us about yours, get in touch! Here are just some of our members' stories.


Andrew & Cooper

Getting fit in a friendly atmosphere

How did you find out about Canicross?  

I was walking Cooper at Kirkhill forest on a Monday night when I saw two groups of people running with their dogs in the opposite direction. Many of them were wearing the teal colours which made it easy to find the right Facebook page when I returned home. I've always dabbled in and out of running and this seemed like something that Cooper would excel at. Our dog walker also mentioned that Canicross would be a perfect fit for Cooper.


What do you love about Canicross?  

Aside from the obvious health benefits and bonding with my dog, I love the social aspect. The Aberdeenshire group were extremely welcoming at the first beginners session I attended in January and that played a massive part in what made it so easy to get into the sport. The friendly nature of the group has continued at every run I have attended, meeting some great people (and dogs) along the way.


What are your Canicross goals?

To attend our first race event. I get very jealous seeing the photos from the events the team have attended. Still working on building the basics with Cooper at the weekly runs just now though. I'm sure that will come in the future.


What's your advice for a beginner?

 I can't stress enough how important the beginners session was for me.  I did a few semi successful runs with Cooper before joining a beginner session and in hindsight that was a bit of a mistake. The knowledge provided at the beginner sessions is invaluable and I found out the harness I was using for Cooper was not a great fit for him and got to try different options on future runs.


Lisbeth & Leo

Having a blast and building a bond

How did you find out about Canicross?
A friend of mine mentioned it would be something fun to do with Leo, and my first reaction was ‘I hate running!’ but thought I would give it a go for Leo to have a job to focus on and build our bond and I never looked back!

What do you love about Canicross?
Exploring the countryside and seeing Leo having a blast with his canicross friends, and nothing beats that feeling of the two of you working together on the trails. 

What are your Canicross goals?
I would love to have a go at a proper canicross competition – hopefully aiming to do one this year, but ultimately, I want to keep it fun for the both of us and find lots of new places to run. 

What’s your advice for a beginner?
Definitely find some friends or a local group to run with – it’s a great way to get into the sport and make friends, both human and canine!

Gillian, Hamish and their dog, Feiadh_edited.j

Gillian & Feiadh

Finding the FUN in RUNNING again

I​ joined Canicross Aberdeenshire in November 2019 as a way to exercise my Border Terrier, Feiadh, on cold winter nights after having a very long break from running. I was egged on in my first couple of weeks to enter a 5km race at Castle Fraser and I was very surprised that I finished as well as actually enjoying it!  I was amazed at how much your dog encourages you to keep going through the usual trudge of a 5km!


Since then we have been weekly attendees in all weathers and it's been great fun with lots of lovely people, and of course, their lovely four-legged running companions too!

Susan & Jack Dog.jpg

Susan & Jack

From Cyprus to Scotland: A Story of Success

We stumbled across the Aberdeenshire Club on Facebook and having rescued Jack (the lovable English Pointer Rescue from Cyprus) a month previously, it sounded like a safe way for him to get more exercise while being on a lead and for me to improve my fitness. Prior to this I had seen a couple of acquaintances down south taking part in canicross but really that was the sum of my knowledge of this new and growing sport. I contacted the club and was delighted to find I could borrow equipment until I decided if it was a sport for us.


On our first night, Jack seemed to take to it like a duck to water and he hasn’t looked back since. We definitely joined purely to improve my fitness and some fun for Jack was a huge bonus. I didn’t imagine we would ever race, but with some encouraging words from some of the club regulars I agreed to give it a go. Fast forward a year, and we’ve raced in Wales, England and all across Scotland! A real highlight was being part of the Scottish Canix “Furnations” Team, retaining the trophy for a second year running in 2018!


Canicross Aberdeenshire is a club made up of exceptionally friendly people, always happy to help with advice and offer encouragement. Since joining in 2017, my dog is happier and fitter, I have lost weight and improved my running times, and best of all I’ve made a whole new group of friends. Don’t have any doubts, just do it!!

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